These sites below offer After School Meal Services to any child age 18 and under Monday through Friday
(some locations are noted by * for Monday through Thursday service) all COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE!
Looking for an organization who provides similar resources as
The Gifted Gown in another city?
We have a great network of really amazing colleagues and organizations who are waiting to help.
Click on the map below to find out more about them!
AND we are proud to be part of the Operation Prom National Network (OPNN) which helps people find us easier and other organizations like us close to them :)
All year you're so good to us and we appreciate all you do. As our gift to you, we want to provide a Giving Guide to shed light on some amazing community organizations doing great things – some you may have heard of and some you may not have. The guide provides snapshots of these organizations and the work they do in our community.
We hope you’ll consider donating to the missions of these organizations!